

Ken Dinh joins Toan & Maria as their first child.

Mississauga, ON Canada, Sunday May 22, 2016 -  Ken Dinh joins Toan and Maria as their newborn son.  With the addition of Ken, the family hopes to acquire a new layer of happiness, accelerate their learnings about life, and ultimately bring this world a value-added human being.

"After 39 weeks in development, we are very pleased with the result and we plan to do our best to build a family with respect and love." says Maria Fong, co-founder of the family.
"The name Ken is special to us because we wanted our first child to take ownership and lead some of our family core values.  Based on popular demand, we are happy to share the 5 core values with you today." says Toan Dinh, co-founder.

Our 5 Family Core Values


Our first and foremost family core value.  Be kind to others and to yourself.  Unconditionally treat people with a good heart while being considerate and thoughtful.


Good is the enemy of great.  We simply refuse mediocrity.  We constantly make exceeding expectations a common theme in every interaction - everyday.  We get excited about any opportunity to create a "WOW" moment.


Live in the moment.  Appreciate what we have now and the people who love us today.  We try not to worry about things we can't control and be passionate about every minute we share with someone.


Be selfless and unconditionally add value to others.  We make it a habit to seek opportunities to assist and enable those around us. We fundamentally believe that in order to be successful we must be resourceful.


Attitude is a choice. We wake up choosing to have a positive attitude and to inspire those around us.  We take actions, big and small, to follow through on our intentions. 

Thank you everyone for reading our update and we hope you had a smile while doing so.  We will be forever grateful if you extend the same love and care that you have for us to Ken as he grows up to be a rockstar.

www.kendinh.ca was registered as part of this press release.